Easter Love Offering

It’s Easter Love time. Time to prayerfully consider a gift of “Love”. It is at this time that we are reminded just how much we are loved by our Heavenly Father. He loved so much that He sent His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sins by laying down His life on the cross. He became the ultimate sacrifice, His blood the atonement for our sins.

Each year, these envelopes are collected by the LWML ladies who choose a project within Trinity to direct these offerings towards. This year the money will go to upgrading the signage for the church and school. We are working with the Church Council, and more information (or details) will be available soon.

Please prayerfully consider placing a donation in your Easter Love Offering envelope and place your envelope and drop it in the offering plate on Sunday morning, anytime between now and Easter Sunday.

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