
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran! We’re happy to have you here and look forward to meeting you. Whether you’re new to the area or have a child ready for preschool or kindergarten, you’ll need to complete our admissions process.

If you are interested in touring Trinity Lutheran School, please contact our school office to set up a convenient time. We welcome the opportunity to show you our classrooms and introduce you to our teachers.

Application Process

We are licensed to care for children who are at least two-and-a-half years old. In order to attend our school, preschool children must be two years and six months of age and potty trained by their first day of attendance. Kindergarteners must have reached the age of five by September 1 of the current school year.

When you’re ready to enroll your child, please stop by the school to turn in all necessary paperwork and documentation. You will need the following:

  • Completed enrollment form
  • Full registration fee
  • Child’s original birth certificate
  • Immunization records
  • Current physical exam
  • Withdrawal forms (if transferring from another school)
  • State-recognized picture ID

Orientation Night
Enrollment opens around August 1. Shortly before school begins, we schedule an orientation session to collect forms and tuition payments, help students locate classrooms and meet teachers, and take care of any other paperwork before school starts. Watch our news page for more information.

Physical Exam Requirements
All students new to Trinity (along with current students entering kindergarten and/or fifth grade) must submit a physical examination, signed by a licensed physician, within the last year. Preschool and daycare participants must have a current physical on file each year.

Immunization Requirements

Colorado law requires that each child be current on immunizations prior to their initial admittance or transfer into a school. Students attending TLC must supply an up-to-date immunization record (based on Colorado’s immunization schedule) or a signed exemption form before attending classes. Exemption forms must be updated annually and immunizations records supplied on a state-approved form.

Children who have not received all recommended immunizations may be excluded from classrooms and/or school activities in the event of an outbreak. Students who have been in contact with communicable diseases may be subject to quarantine.

Children with Special Needs

We are not staffed or equipped to serve most children with special needs; therefore, we reserve the right to direct such families to another agency.

During the admissions process, we review information about each student’s educational needs. Our child study team composed of a teacher from the child’s current grade level, special education personnel available on staff, and the school principal review all the provided information and prayerfully consider how we can serve. Some of the information we review includes the following:

  • Assessments
  • Individual Educational Plans (IEP) 
  • Areas of need: physical, vision, hearing, speech, physical mobility, motor skills, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, academic
  • Needed accommodations/materials
  • Available personnel