Bless a Refugee Family with Gifts Through Our Angel Tree

Wrapped Christmas presents under a Christmas tree

An Angel Tree is in the entrance to the church sanctuary until December 17 for us to provide gifts through Lutheran Family Services to those in need. 

Every year Northern Colorado receives families who have fled their homelands because of a viable fear for their lives. These refugees have given up nearly everything to simply be safe. As the Christmas season begins, our community is extending care and hospitality to them by purchasing gifts for some of these families. This Angel Tree program is through Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountain, the only social services organization in our area that supports refugee resettlement. We want to live out Matthew 25:35: “For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Our care for the vulnerable is a direct form of worship that brings joy to God, to the vulnerable, and to our community.

A Christmas tree is located in the narthex with tags hanging on it. Each tag has the name of one refugee family along with gift requests for each family member. Please take a tag, purchase gifts, wrap them, and following the instructions on the tag, label them, and return them together back to the church by December 17. This program is only two weeks long, so please consider taking a tag as soon as possible. Gifts will be distributed by Lutheran Family Services to each family the week before Christmas. 

Contact the church office if you wish to participate but cannot get to the tree on Sunday morning.

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